ONLINE COMPANION: A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment - Annual Subscription
Author/Editor: Kevin B. Stoltz and Susan R. Barclay
Publisher: NCDA
Year: 2019
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NCDA is proud to release a brand new online complement to the print book, A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment (7th ed). This website is a dynamic database of assessment reviews, which will offer new reviews regularly. Each review is supported by relevant literature sources and includes current test descriptions, quality markers, and ways to contact and access further information from assessment publishers or developers.
Dozens of reviews are online and cover traditional standardized assessment (quantitative), and semi-structured or interview processes (qualitative), as well as open source career assessments and a research category, to keep abreast of emerging concepts and constructs. (See current list below.)
In line with the comprehensive goal of the book and online companion, the website includes 14 new chapters offering perspectives on career assessment from diverse cultures and settings: Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and South Africa; K-12 schools; higher education; business and workforce development; private practice; research and evaluation; public policy and advocacy; and the integration of career and mental health counseling.
This subscription serves as a companion to the foundational material released in the print book, although the two must be purchased separately. As seen in the print book, the foundational material on career assessment includes history, trends, test selection and administration, computerized assessment and multicultural issues. These six chapters appear only in the print book.
The intention of creating a worldwide resource for career assessment information and review is to benefit NCDA members and the profession, including counselors, researchers, graduate students, career practitioners, business and workforce personnel, student development specialists, independent practice, and more.
The 2019 editors, Drs. Kevin B. Stoltz and Susan R. Barclay, developed this multi-faceted resource as the quintessential source for career assessment now and in the future. With the incorporation of technology into this publication, NCDA can offer ongoing reviews and updates that will build a current accounting and a historical record of career assessment worldwide. Dr. Darrin Carr serves as the Coordinator of the online reviews. This is truly a comprehensive work that will live up to its name, the NCDA name, and to our profession.
Structure of the resource:
A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment (7th Edition)
The National Career Development Association (NCDA) is excited to release its newest publication regarding career assessment – the 7th edition of A Counselors Guide to Career Assessment. We, as editors, are excited about the changes to the well-known publication.
What Has Changed in the New Edition
First and foremost is the change in the name to A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment. Originally conceptualized in 1982 as a guide for counselors, we designed the 7th edition for use by a wide variety of career practitioners, including those in training. This change keeps pace with the continual evolution of the workplace in the 21st century. Second, we wanted to highlight the global focus of career development work and NCDA membership, and we did this by including chapters and instrument reviews from leading scholars and practitioners located around the world. This global perspective expanded the book significantly and led to a reconceptualization of how to deliver the new edition. Recognizing the full potential of the book when combined with technological advances, we developed an online format as a companion to the print book that we believe will serve practitioners, researchers, counselor educators, students, and NCDA members worldwide.
The Foundational Print Book
This advancement starts with a printed book that holds the first six chapters of the new edition and reviews of over two dozen career assessments. These first six chapters consist of foundational knowledge of career assessment that the authors have updated for current use in the profession. Along with those six chapters are reviews of career development assessments that include not only reviews of traditional instruments but offer expanded variety with new assessment categories (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, research, and open source). These reviews are representative of the variety that will be available on the book’s new companion - an official website. To control cost, while offering valuable content, we offer this comprehensive resource in two formats. Individuals can purchase the print book as a stand-alone item; they can purchase website access as a stand-alone item; or, individuals can purchase both the print copy and website access for the greatest coverage of content. We believe the unique features of the combined option represent the most value to users of this Guide.
The Comprehensive Website Companion
The website offers expanded content including career assessment in specific work environments, global perspectives on career development, and reviews of assessments used in diverse cultures. Of the 14 additional chapters, the first seven represent many professional environments in which career specialists work. These include K-12 schools; higher education; business and workforce development; private practice; research and evaluation; public policy; and mental health counseling. The remaining seven chapters, which were written by authors from around the world, present career assessment from their diverse cultures and settings. These include Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and South Africa.
Categories of Reviews
In addition to the new chapter content, the website houses more reviews in the same four categories as the print version. These categories are quantitative assessments offered commercially for use, qualitative assessments documented in the professional literature, research assessments that focus on continuing inquiry in the profession, and open source assessments available at no cost on the world-wide-web. In addition to the usual keyword searches, the online assessment reviews are searchable three ways: alphabetically, categorically, and via instrument type (search by key constructs, such as interests, adaptability, or meaning). We will add additional reviews to the website as they become available. Each review includes a relevant literature search, updated test descriptions and quality markers, and contact information to explore access and further information from the publisher of the assessment. Of course, the online technical features make for a user-friendly 21st century resource, yet the print book’s foundational content is a valuable reserve for both students and experienced professionals.
A 21st Century Dual Resource
We envision this book and the website as the go-to-source for career assessment now and in the future. With the incorporation of technology into this project, NCDA can offer ongoing reviews and updates that will build a current accounting and a historical record of career assessment worldwide. This is truly a comprehensive work that will live up to its name.
Read the Review in Career Convergence or the Testimonials.
List of Reviews from the Online Subscription (as of 11/12/24):
1. Ability Explorer, Third Edition
2. Career Adapt-Abilities Scale
3. Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory
4. Career Beliefs Inventory
5. Career Construction Interview
6. Career Decision Scale
7. Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale
8. Career Development Inventory
9. Career Futures Inventory
10. Career State Inventory
11. Chung Sentence Completion
12. Decision Space Worksheet
13. Employment Readiness Scale
14. FOCUS 2 Career and Education Planning Systems
15. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior
16. The Highlands Ability Battery
17. Job Survival and Success Scale, Second Edition
18. Knowdell Card Sorts
19. Kuder Career Planning System
20. Life-Balance Inventory
21. Maree Career Matrix
22. My Career Story: An Autobiographical Workbook for Life-Career Success
23. My Vocational Situation
24. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
25. O*NET Ability Profiler
26. O*NET Interest Profiler
27. O*NET Work Importance Locator
28. Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised
29. Photo Metaphor Card Sort
30. Sixteen Personality Factor, Sixth Edition
31. SkillScan Drive
32. Strong Interest Inventory and Skills Confidence Inventory
33. Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised
34. Vocational Preference Inventory
35. Work-Life Balance Assessment
36. Working Styles Assessment
37. YouScience
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of the National Career Development Association.
NCDA offers special 6-month pricing for graduate students and online previews for counselor educators. Contact Natalie Scrimsher at for special ordering and preview information.
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The Strengths-Based Approach is a way of seeing the world as positive and focuses on building upon strengths rather than on fixing deficits. The second edition monograph details the approach and includes activities and a participant guide to move the Strengths-Based Approach to career development into practice. (Schutt, 2018).
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